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Believe It or Not prisoners had to finance at least a portion of their incarceration. They had to pay for it. So, they needed money to buy food and clothes and other supplies or they went hungry, and they got cold, and as you can imagine nobody really cared. So The Philippian Church sent Paul money and maybe some other gifts. And they sent them with a man named Epaphroditus, who traveled from Philippi to Rome, found the Apostle Paul and delivered these gifts. And Paul was thrilled, and he was thankful that they showed him their Love by providing for his practical needs. And he says in verse 14, by doing this, he says this marvelous thing, “they share in his troubles.” And once again we can see, and we can feel, Paul's love, and Paul's connection with the people in this church. Relationship, connection, partnership in the work of the kingdom. And it reminds us that this thing called church, this thing we do, is not a machine. It's not a program. It is not a weekly event. And it is not a building. Church is people connected to God and to each other through Jesus Christ. It is about relationship. It's about togetherness. It's about using this phrase, “sharing in each other's troubles.” It's about caring for one another. It's about investing in each other's lives. It's about journeying together on this adventure with God. In a word church is family. Certainly, an imperfect family and in all sorts of ways a dysfunctional family, but still family.
But all that said, Paul's real passion, just like my professors many years ago, was never merely to inform his readers, but to transform them. His interest was not that they and we would know our Bibles, important as that is, but that they and we would know that, using words from Oz Guinness; “Spirituality for the follower of Christ is a matter of a different world, with a different reality, different energies, different possibilities, and different prospects.” The goal is not to know our Bibles, but to live as a citizen of the kingdom of God whatever our circumstance. Or in the words of Philippians 1:27, “Whatever happens conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Live it out in the daily grind of your everyday lives.” See the words in these Bibles that we look at, read, and cherish, are inspired by God, to inspire us and to empower us to live as his people no matter the situation we are in. And one way we live as God's people in this unhinged world is by experiencing his peace regardless of the turmoil and regardless of the tough circumstances we might be facing. Verse 6 of Philippians 4, “Do not be anxious about anything.” Now just sort of contemplate the last few days, contemplate the world, contemplate your life. The Apostle Paul says to not be anxious about anything. Here's my response, “Are you serious Paul? You losing it there buddy?”
I don’t know about you, but I’ll just tell you I am stirred to the core about what the Apostle Paul reveals about himself in this passage. I mean this brilliant biblical scholar is showing us his raw self. He's cutting himself open right in front of the Philippians and right in front of us and he is saying, “this is who I am, and this is who I am not.” I am stirred to the core by the Apostle Paul's vulnerability and humility. He is showing the people of Philippi who he is and he's showing the people of Philippi who he is not. He's showing them his desire to grow, and I'm stirred by his mindset. My answer to the question is that I have had both mindsets. I've had seasons of fixed growth where my attitude about my Christian growth, in a word is, “whatever.” I am what I am. And I've also had seasons of Greater intentionality where I felt like I've embraced the challenges that God has set before me. I've had a kind of curiosity to continue to learn who I am and who God is. I've had this passion to grow and have his character formed in me as the spirit does that work. See, we have this rather amazing power, each one of us. You have it and it was given to you by God. You have the power as do I, and you have the Freedom as do I, to set our minds on whatever we want. Think about that. We decide what we're going to give our attention to. This is not to diminish the thousands upon thousands of things at any moment that are clamoring for our attention, but we get to decide what we're going to give our attention to. We get to decide what we’re going to focus on.
So even though we're just talking about confidence, what's at stake here, what you have to lose, is actually very very real. Paul is not exaggerating this passage when he says, “that he had lost all things for Christ's sake”. It's the very real cost that the Young Rich Man encountered in the story that Mark tells in his gospel in chapter 10. When this rich young person comes to ask Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life, essentially, “what must I do to be righteous?” And Jesus says, “you could just go do what all the religious people are telling you to do”. The young man responds, “I've been doing all that you see”. Even though he'd been doing, he'd been on the performance plan and he'd been killing it on the performance plan. This young man still feels that I still don't have this thing that I'm looking for. He knew he was standing on Shaky Ground and Jesus diagnoses his issue immediately and says, “go sell everything that you have, give it to the poor, and come and follow me." Now wait, is Jesus suggesting that righteousness can be achieved by selling everything that we have and giving it to the poor? Of course not. Selling everything and giving to the poor, that's just another achievement. That's just another performance plan. But this man's issue was his confidence in his wealth. And that misplaced confidence was keeping him from the one thing that would bring him the Eternal kind of life. That would bring him righteousness, and that is following Jesus, which is where of course Paul has landed. Everything else on his resume he considers garbage like quoting your GPA from kindergarten. Paul's only interested in one thing, verse 10, I want to know Christ. Yes, to know the power of his resurrection, participation in his suffering, to become like him in his death, and so somehow attain to the resurrection from the dead. To know Christ, not just about Christ, not just his teachings, not just the historical facts about his life. Not just the various interpretations and applications of his words to today's issues. No, knowing how to live well. Being in right standing with God and man. Living rightly in the world comes from knowing Christ. The power of the resurrected Christ. To follow Christ into suffering. To allow Christ's death to become our death, so that his life becomes our life. And there is nothing on our resume good or bad. Nothing that we've accomplished. Nothing that we failed to accomplish that compares to knowing Christ. That's where righteousness comes from.
Think of what the Philippians heard. The cross wasn’t embossed on their Bibles or hung in their churches or worn on a pretty chain around their necks. The cross had none of the softened beauty of today, it was the brutalist of punishments and the ultimate humiliation. This is the heart of Paul’s theology. His understanding of Gods being and his doing in our fallen world. This is who God is. Obedience wasn’t demanded of Christ it was freely given. He humbled himself because it is who he is. The one equal with God has fully revealed the highest truth about God, that God is love. A love that expresses itself in sacrifice. The mind of Christ kind of obedience isn’t a demanded, blind, unquestioning, “shut up and do it”, kind of obedience. Though at times when I am filled with selfish ambition and vein conceit it would probably be advisable. This is an obedience that flows out of love, knowing the character of God so deeply that that character is being formed in me.
More than just referring about their behavior as individuals in the world, Paul is actually pointing to the way that they live out their heavenly citizenship with one another, their collective polity. See, Paul recognizes that as a local church, they have a common life with each other. That is, set in the context of their citizenship in the Roman empire. So Paul is calling out the Philippians to live out their common life together in the secular context, not by simply adopting the customs and the culture of the world around them, but rather to live out their collective life together in a manner that fits with the Good News of life in the reality of the Kingdom of God. And the reason I think that's what he's referring to, is that the litmus test is unity. Paul will know that the Philippians are conducting themselves in a manner worthy of the gospel, because they are in unity with one another. According to Paul, the main outcome of a local church conducting themselves in a manner worthy of the gospel—is that they end up standing firm, in one spirit, striving together, as one, for the faith of the gospel.
Paul did not say, "Everything has a purpose." He did not say, "In spite of the difficult circumstances of me being in prison, God did something good." Paul simply did not make the best of a bad situation. What Paul said is far more remarkable. He said, what has happened to me—that is, getting thrown into prison—has served to advance the good news. In other words, what has happened to me, the sufferings I am enduring, unjust as they are, have opened up an opportunity for the good news of Jesus' resurrection and new life to advance. And if I hadn't been put in this prison, this might not have happened. It's a remarkable recognition of God's bigness over his troubles. This is not an "in spite of" perspective. It's a "because of" perspective. You see, Paul has this gigantic view of God. A really big view of God. And he knows that God is always at work bringing forth His Kingdom purposes, and nothing can stop God's unfolding plan.
Over the next several months, we will be reading someone else's mail. I say that as sort of a creative way to refer to the fact that this New Testament book, this epistle to the Philippians, really is a letter from the apostle Paul to the local church that he had started in the city of Philippi. But in another sense, I say that because, you read the opening paragraphs of this letter, and you get a sense that there's this deep, personal connection between Paul and the Philippians. To me, I read these opening words...and it's like I'm peering into this tender exchange, this honest expression of love and longing between Paul and this group of people, this little local church.