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I suppose in some isolated Chambers at Nassau or Space X, gravity is not currently at work. But in nearly every other square inch of this planet, if I throw a ball up into the air it will come back down. Or if I jump out of an airplane without a parachute the fall might be fine, but the landing will be a tad messy, because gravity is present and working everywhere. And in a similar fashion God is present and working everywhere. I wonder if we believe this. Everywhere we go, every single day, every single moment of every single day, God is already there. And he's already at work bringing the reality of his Kingdom to those who inhabit those spaces. And if we are his follower then our primary vocation, if you don't like vocation insert job, if you don't like job insert calling. Our primary vocation is to be his agent and Ambassador in those spaces where we go. Verses 5 and 11 of our passage, Moses the servant of the Lord who did all those signs and wonders the Lord sent him to do in Egypt. Servants are sent to do things for the one they serve and a life well-lived is one spent in service to something bigger than self, bigger than success, bigger than comfort, bigger than safety. A life well-lived is one poured out in service to God and the work of his kingdom. And of course, we still do our jobs and build our careers and go to school and raise our families and celebrate along the way as much as possible. But we do all this remembering that as followers of Jesus our primary vocation, job, calling, is to serve God and be about his kingdom work right where we are.
So, tell me, how do we look family when in the eyes of God we hold on to titles like democrat or republican or any other title to save us instead of the presence and will of God. We may look to these titles to save us but trust me every time we are met with the sinful grasp of humanity, none of these titles can save us. Only the presence of God in our own lives can do that. And I don't know about you but the Jesus I know isn't a Democrat, and he isn't a republican either. In fact, I'm not even sure Jesus is American. The Jesus I know has his own kingdom. This is why I love the kingdom of God. See the kingdom compels us to trust in God and lean on one another in community. The kingdom, both holds us accountable and holds us as beloved, within the presence of God. The kingdom isn't just a title or a label it is a living reality and it is grounded fully in what God is doing right now, right here.