"I’m not trying to point fingers at anyone, because we all medicate, and we all have a false self. We are all prone to whatever degree to present a polished picture of ourselves to the world in the hopes of being applauded, accepted, or approved. These impulses to do this—to filter, to cover up, to polish—these are direct consequences of sin, and of the curse sin brings. But if we set aside our defenses and resistances for a few moments, if we do our best to say, 'you know, this false self set of clothing is getting kind of scratch, so I’m gonna take it off for just a second. And I’m gonna sit in a reflective space for a few moments.' If we do that, we might realize that a picture of ourselves hangs in the walls of our inner world. And no one else sees it. And this picture shapes, powerfully and profoundly, our thoughts, our feelings, the relationships we have and how we are in those relationships, our defenses, our decisions, our habits, our passions, our overall way of living and being in the world. And our overall sense of peace and well-being in life."
NOTE: Mike Lueken refers to a song called “Christ is Lower Still” by Matt Maher, Kate Bluett, and Doe Jones, which was played during the service.
We actually believe that drastic and authentic transformation is at the core of the Christian Gospel. In the spirit of Colossians 3, we believe God desires communities of his people who are growing in compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, and forgiveness. And love is the preeminent virtue they offer to each other and to this broken and fractured and hurting world. This love binds them together in unbreaking unity. These divinely cultivated character qualities are being lived out and put on display by the people of God. And we actually believe—here at Oak Hills—that our calling as individuals and as a church is to put on these character qualities in an authentic way, so they become part of who we are, and they flow out of us, and both individually and communally, we reflect the beautiful and character of Jesus to this hurting world.
"In our passage, Jesus is on the verge of unspeakable rejection and suffering. literally, within an hour or two, he will begin his passion. And yet, in his final instructions, he's talking to his followers about his joy. How can he have joy? How can he talk about joy, minutes before he is arrested and beaten and executed?
"...Through it all, he knew he was in God's care. He knew there was a bigger picture, and there was a bigger story, and he was a part of that bigger picture and story, so he had joy."
"Now remember, we're defining joy in this series as 'a pervasive and constant sense of well-being.' So in the language of this series, we're talking about choosing the path that leads to a pervasive and constant sense of well-being, no matter our circumstances. And grieving, lamenting is the path to choose in response to the pain and brokenness of this world.
"Over the past seven years or so, at least from my perspective, an alarming number of Christ followers have opted to deal with the pain and brokenness of life and this world by sitting in the seat of a scoffer (Psalm 1:1)...The scoffer is the one who stands away, stands apart, strokes their chin—skeptically, cynically, bitterly, and arrogantly—while critiquing and criticizing and shaking their head. So instead of a healthy grieving over the sufferings and failings and disappointments of their own soul, the scoffer focuses on the failings and disappointments of others."
"How do we find happiness and hang on to it in a world where hardship and heaviness and violence and trouble seem so unrelentless and so unstoppable. Well, over the next five weeks, our answer is: Choose Joy."
"Happiness may not be possible in this broken world. Because typical happiness is often if not usually dependent on circumstances...life is a roller coaster of circumstances. But regardless of our circumstances, we can choose joy. Joy is deeper than happiness...Christian joy is a pervasive and constant sense of well-being."
“We as a local church need to be on the frontlines, helping people discover the life and hope that only Jesus gives. And we need to find creative and imaginative and as yet untried experiments to bring ministry beyond these walls and help people find God.
““The Lord is God and there is no other.” This is as true today as it was when Moses stood in front of the people—they were on the western shore of the Jordan river, and they’re heading into the promised land. It’s as true today as it was then. “The Lord is God and there is no other.” This is the message of Jesus’ Church. Not a message to scream at those who don’t agree. Not a message to berate those who don’t agree. And not a message to wield over people who don’t agree. But a message to demonstrate and to proclaim—through our life together as a congregation.”
We continue our series on telling the story of God by exploring the importance of community prayer. Specifically, Pastor Mike Lueken and Elder Scott Schafer discuss the purpose, priority, and power of praying as a community of believers.