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Choose Joy!: Grieving vs. Scoffing
September 17, 2023

Choose Joy!: Grieving vs. Scoffing

Passage: Lamentations 3:1-9, 16-24
Service Type:

"Now remember, we're defining joy in this series as 'a pervasive and constant sense of well-being.' So in the language of this series, we're talking about choosing the path that leads to a pervasive and constant sense of well-being, no matter our circumstances. And grieving, lamenting is the path to choose in response to the pain and brokenness of this world.

"Over the past seven years or so, at least from my perspective, an alarming number of Christ followers have opted to deal with the pain and brokenness of life and this world by sitting in the seat of a scoffer (Psalm 1:1)...The scoffer is the one who stands away, stands apart, strokes their chin—skeptically, cynically, bitterly, and arrogantly—while critiquing and criticizing and shaking their head. So instead of a healthy grieving over the sufferings and failings and disappointments of their own soul, the scoffer focuses on the failings and disappointments of others."