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Sonos Divina (Matt. 14:22-33 & Col.3:9-10, 12-14)
August 25, 2024

Sonos Divina (Matt. 14:22-33 & Col.3:9-10, 12-14)

Passage: Matt. 14:22-33 & Col. 3:9-10, 12-14
Service Type:

This particular service is different than most in that there was no sermon on this day. Instead, we had an extended time of interactive prayer, Sonos Divina, “interacting with the Holy Spirit through music”, and worship. We invite you to find a quiet place as you enter into this space and listen to this podcast with us.

We'll use guided prayer and musical prayer to simply hang out with God; meaning, converse, commune, communicate with God. So, we'll hear from him at first by taking a look at a passage of scripture together. And then we'll take a trip into whatever God is saying to each of you individually. So, you'll be in conversation with God. You'll be speaking to him. You'll be listening to the Holy Spirit trying to see what God is showing each of us about whatever we're bringing before him. And my role is to guide you towards those things.