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When Music Is My Teacher: Life Is Beautiful
August 27, 2023

When Music Is My Teacher: Life Is Beautiful

Passage: Phillipians 4: 11-13
Service Type:

When we're attentive to the Spirit, He can teach us through a variety of unconventional ways—through circumstances, through friends, and even through the songs we hear. Our pastors have been listening, and over three-weeks, they'll share a few words of wisdom by playing off various songs that are currently popular. Today's sermon is on the subject of contentment, and seeing beyond our circumstances to the beautiful, grace-filled life we indeed have.

"Sometimes the circumstances of our lives are unpleasant. But however unpleasant they may be, they are not the truest thing about life. Christ is. His goodness, His faithfulness, His love for us are the truest thing, the most important thing. It is He who makes life beautiful."