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Forty On! Community

September 22, 2024
We pursue relationships with those with different experiences, backgrounds, opinions, and life circumstances. Our differences create space for Jesus to unite us in Him. A unified community of un-likes proclaims good news to a fracturing world. In Ephesians chapter 2, starting in verse 14, Paul says, “for he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility......His purpose was to create in himself one new Humanity out of the two, thus making peace." When we think of community at Oak Hills, and walking that road together toward life in the Kingdom, we're talking about people who are different in every way. Unlikes, coming together and being the church in and through Jesus Christ. The walls of separation and division, constructed by attitudes like, "well I want to be with people like me", or "I want to worship with people like me", or "I want to do church with people like me." These walls get leveled by the real presence and power of King Jesus in our midst.