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Artful Faith: Why Beauty?
June 25, 2023

Artful Faith: Why Beauty?

Passage: Psalm 27
Service Type:

Guest speaker and former pastor, Kirk Bottomly shares the message, "Why Beauty?" with us today.

"Take time for beauty, because it matters. It's not something peripheral. It's not something nice but sort of extra, like whipped cream. It's a big deal. So we take time for it, we go after it...We're gonna sit on our front porch and watch the sun go down. We're gonna get some flowers and put them in a vase where we can look at them. We're gonna plan a trip to the Crocker [Art Gallery]...We cultivate beauty...

"Jesus said, 'Behold the lilies of the field. King Solomon in all his glory was never arrayed like one of these.' Jesus said, 'Go! Gaze!' Beauty has something to say to your soul. Beauty matters. Beauty lifts our soul, if we let it. Beauty lifts the eyes of our soul high enough, so we can see God."